S.L. Carruthers

S.L. Carruthers or Seymore L. Carruthers is listed in the Expedition record with a residence in Hawkinsville, Georgia. Census and other records list a Seymore L. Carruthers who lived in Hatford, Georgia in 1868, in Bowens Mill, Georgia in 1910, and in Cobbville, Georgia in 1920. All of these locations are just south of Hawkinsville, Georgia. He would have been 24 years old at the time of the Expedition. He was the Chief Cook and assigned to Mess No. 2.

Note about confidence of this information:

Unable to locate sources definitively identifying Seymore L. Carruthers as the S.L. Carruthers who participated in the Expedition. However, given that Seymore L. Carruthers lived in Georgia near Hawkinsville for decades, confidence is fairly high.

Name Variations:


References in the Texts:

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For other topics referenced in the Expedition texts, please refer to the Index to Subjects and Names.
1892 Everglades Exploration Expedition : Three Digital Texts, 2015