University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 40

Production title: [Centennial Celebration]

Production date: 1952-1953

Total running time: 00:12:30

Color / no sound

Derived from 16 mm film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam.

Part of Earl Jernigan's Film Archive.

This production documents events related to the University's centennial in 1953. It includes footage of the 1952 homecoming and General James Van Fleet.


0:00    Woman opens large book on the University's centennial celebration and turns to pages featuring General Van Fleet and commemorative plaques for the pre-Buckman Act institutions.

1:10    Homecoming parade and reviewing stand

6:50    House decorations

8:50    Plane lands

8:55    Poster for agricultural fair

9:30    Scene at the HUB.  Very dark footage.

10:50    Van Fleet arrives and motorcade.  This is followed by a ceremony, but the footage is again too dark to discern what is happening.

12:30    Film ends


University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Directory