University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 72

Production title:  Urea Toxicity - George K. Davis

Production date: ca. 1959

Color / no sound

Total running time:  00:05:30

There is no production information available for this film.

Derived from 8 mm film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam.

This film shows a cow in an enclosed pen and the fatal results of urea toxicity.  Dr. George K. Davis did extensive research on trace element nutrition in farm animals.  He also studied the effects of urea toxicity in cattle, and in 1959 he and Harry F. Roberts co-authored "Urea Toxicity in Cattle", Bulletin No. 611 published by the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.

See Urea in Feeds for Beef Cattle (1959) for related film.

University of Florida Moving Image Collection Directory.