University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 73

Production title:  Gower film

Production date:  ca. 1960

Color / no sound

Total running time:  00:06:42

There is no production information available for this film.

Derived from 8 mm film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam.

Family films donated by the Gower family.  This film is actually a series of four short films.  

The first film shows a graduation event.  The second shows three people talking. The third shows the 1958 UF-FSU game and the bands from each school.  The fourth is of some children and two women.

0:00    A middle aged woman who speaks and gestures appears and then the younger woman beside her turns toward the camera.  A brief view of people in caps and gowns follows and then the camera follows a young man as he walks towards the two women.  The young man is Hugh Arthur Gower who apparently has just been graduated.  A man in a dark suit shows some papers to the three people and then Hugh hands the tassel from his mortarboard to the young woman.

1:30    The next film clip shows three people seated and conversing.  The three include a middle aged woman, a younger woman and man.  The latter two hold drinking glasses.

3:15    This clip depicts Florida Field with the band, the crowd in the stands, and the scoreboard.  Cheerleaders rush across the field with two of them carrying a large stuffed toy alligator.  Football action is shown and then the half time band show.

6:00    Two woman and a child are shown and then three little girls who run around holding onto a long streamer.

6:42    Film ends

University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Directory