University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 92

Production title:  Outtakes to Magic Tower and Road to the Moon

Production date:  1965


Total running time:  00:14:00

Derived from 16 mm film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and DVCAM.

This film has outtakes mainly from the film the Magic Tower.  Each of the clips is repeated once or several times.  The film begins with the "patio scene" which takes place in the plaza area by the Arts and Architecture complex.  Evelyn Patrick Silvers, Dean Robert Mautz, Dean Richard H. Whitehead, and Student Body president Buddy Jacobs sit and talk.  This is followed by the scene when Mrs. Silvers and Buddy Jacobs first walk up and are introduced to Dean Mautz and Dean Whitehead.  Thomas Martin who directed the Genesys program then speaks.  He is shown getting up from his chair and walking to the TV set and then back again.  A scene from an English class follows and a teacher  draws a sentence diagram on a chalk board.  A woman is shown in a cubicle in a language lab.  Finally, men in military uniforms are shown and the scene shifts to field operations in the woods.  Several men look at a map which is lying on the ground.  The film ends.

University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Directory