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Index to the East Florida Papers    

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Library of Congress Official Register: East Florida Papers

This PDF file is the official guide to the East Florida Papers compiled by archivists at the Library of Congress.

Archivo General de Indias and other Spanish Archives

Search the online collections of Spain's Archive for the Indies to find documents relating to Florida. Or search all holdings of the AGI for references to Florida, available either online or on microfilm.

Spanish Land Grants

This site, provided by the Florida State Archives, is a completely digitized version of the land grants, with online images of all documents. The land grants are an important companion collection to the East Florida Papers, as they record the landholdings of settlers at the time of the transfer of East Florida to the United States in 1821. Maps, descriptions of plantations, and other important historical information are contained here. The grants are arranged alphabetically by family name.

Archdiocese of New Orleans (colonial records)

The University of Notre Dame has digitized the diocesan records for colonial Louisiana and the Floridas. This section of the university's archival website describes the collection and its contents, and is followed by an alphabetical index to online documents.

P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History

Founded 100 years ago, and relocated from Pensacola to the University of Florida in 1945, the Yonge Library is one of Florida's great historical repositories. For information on the collections and for an online look at some of the contents, visit the website.

Goza Mickler Newspaper Database

This popular database is maintained by the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History at the University of Florida Libraries. It contains the abstracts of approximately 1300 articles written about Florida between 1762 and 1885. All articles are from non-Florida newspapers. Full-text versions of approximately 200 articles are now available online. (Abstracts will contain a hyperlink if full text is available).

Florida Miscellaneous Manuscript Collection

The P.K. Yonge Library also maintains an online search engine for its collection of miscellaneous letter collections, diaries, memoirs, and journals from all periods of Florida history.

Florida History Online

Developed by the History Department at the University of North Florida, this site is particularly appropriate for research into the British Colonial Period in Florida. It traces the Bartrams' travels in Florida and shows the location of British plantations on the St. Johns River.

  Index to the East Florida Papers is a cooperative project of University of Florida and Flagler College, funded by the St. Augustine Foundation. HSARI



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